Jun 18, 2012

About Garlic Scapes

We wait every year for this delicacy. Each bulb of garlic makes only one garlic scape. When we remove the scape it encourages the bulb of the garlic to grow more. It also tastes great. Scapes can get woody bottoms similar to asparagus as they age and mature nearer to the bulb. Do not eat the woody part just discard. The tops will eventually blossom. I do not eat the blossoms but many people do. I just do not like the texture of the blossom.

Then take the scape and remove the bottoms, which can be done by just snapping it off. It usually always snaps at the correct spot leaving the woody side to be removed. Because of their mildness scapes can be cut the size of a green bean or smaller when used as a garlic chive. 

Rumor has it that pregnant women who can NOT eat garlic during pregnancy can eat garlic scapes without any problems.

Anne Tisbert

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